
Some miscellaneous links, items and shtuff. If any of the links given are malicious, let me know as soon as possible.

Oscillo Sticker

With the help of a furry familiar I met over on Fiverr, I managed to come up with a nice original character as another representation of myself alongside my signature Snow Pea character. Why did I make one in the first place? Let's just say the COVID-19 pandemic was enough for me to go stir loco and try something weird out. 🤣

Fast forward to today, Oscillo the stilt owl has become a favorite character associated with myself online, much like one of my 2 only online personas. I've gotten tons of artwork featuring Oscillo, and I now have a collection of stickers of him designed by multiple artists, including the original artist herself in creating the first (I term them classic) 49 stickers.

Huge thanks to Eunalis for bringing my night owl to life! I've enjoyed bringing him into a lot of my creative work, be it as a reflection of myself or in my teaching career! ^v^


SnowTrap Sticker

SnowTrap's my go-to avatar alias online. Basically if you see him around online, that's really just me roaming around. SnowTrap's design and snow hat was done by @lucy_was_taken on Fiverr. ❄️

These stickers were designed by multiple artists, some from Lucy herself. Right now, this is the largest sticker pack I currently own.

Telegram Sticker Pack:



Inspired by Evil Bob's "Revenge of the Fish" mod for Insaniquarium Deluxe!, I created a simple mod as a 13-year-old with nothing but Microsoft Paint. To use these image sprites, just go over into the Insaniquarium game directory, and locate the folder with the images. Paste them in, and launch the game! (Note: Do the copy/pasting only when the game is off.)

Special thanks to Evil Bob for the Insaniquarium Deluxe: Revenge of the Fish mod!